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How to season a cast iron skillet

Feb 29, 2024, 00:14 IST
Although seasoning a cast iron skillet seems intimidating, all it takes is heat, oil, time, and some pre-cleaning.etienne voss/Getty Images
  • Don't be afraid to season cast iron. It's a simple process, even if your cast iron is looking a little beat up.
  • Seasoning cast iron just takes heat, oil, time, and a bit of pre-cleaning.

Seasoning cast iron is not as tricky as it's been made out to be. Whether you're working with an old, rusted pan from the back of your cupboard or one of the best cast iron skillets fresh out of the box, the seasoning process can be quite simple.

"It's not difficult," says Silas Pollitt, chef and co-owner of Stone's Throw Pizza in Fairfax, Vermont. "It takes some time and it will smell up your house like burnt oil. But, the process itself is pretty straightforward." Even the scary-looking cast irons, covered in layers of rust, can season back up like a dream.

Pollitt compares the seasoning process to creating a tiny coat of armor. "What that does is a process called polymerization, where it essentially makes a carbon matrix surrounding the cast iron like a coat of iron," says Pollitt. This is what we refer to as a seasoning, which both acts as a non-stick surface (more durable than that of the best nonstick pans) and protects your pan from rust.

Best cast iron skillets

Lily Alig

To find the best cast iron skillet, we evaluated the searing ability, heat retention, and seasoning on top-of-the-line pans.

When should you season your skillet?

Even if a skillet comes pre-seasoned, it can be a good idea to reseason before using.rudisill/Getty Images

Some pans will come labeled as pre-seasoned. If you're nervous about seasoning your own cast iron, you can start cooking immediately on pre-seasoned pans. That said, Pollitt will take the time to season any cast iron he buys, even if it's labeled as pre-seasoned. "I normally season them myself when they come in. You don't know exactly what it was seasoned with and how it was handled," he says.


You may also need to season it again down the line if there's food or grease buildup, scratch marks, or rust. This will be clear based on visual cues — your cast iron won't have that same dark glossiness to it, and it may start to look dull or discolored. In that case, you'll want to go through the seasoning process again.

"If you're taking good care of it, you may never have to reseason it," says Pollitt. "Every time you cook on it, it creates another layer of polymerized fat. When you hear someone say they've been cooking on it for 20 years, so it's a really good pan, they're not lying."

What you need to season cast iron

  • Soap
  • Water
  • Neutral cooking oil
  • A towel
  • An oven
  • Salt

How to season your cast iron skillet

To season a cast iron skillet, you just need to do some cleaning and use some oil and heat.Alex Hayden/Getty Images
  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Wash and dry the skillet. Scrub away any sediment or rust spots. "Soap and water is fine here because you're going to reseason it anyway," says Pollitt. Pat with a towel or paper towel to dry.
  3. Coat your skillet in a neutral cooking oil. Pollitt will use anything from soybean to canola to even Crisco, as long as it has a high smoke point and neutral flavor. Don't worry too much about the type of oil you're using. Drizzle in the oil until the skillet is completely coated, and pat with a paper towel until it's no longer dripping or pooling.
  4. Put the skillet in the oven for an hour. Make sure to place it upside down so the oil doesn't settle unevenly in the pan. During this time, the polymerization process takes place and the oil is transformed into a smooth coating for your cast iron.
  5. Let it cool. After an hour, turn off the heat and let the pan cool down inside the oven.

How to care for a seasoned cast iron skillet

Clean your cast iron with water, and a little bit of kosher salt and oil if there's buildup.Eivaisla/Getty Images

You'll know your cast iron is correctly seasoned if it has a dark, gleaming finish that is neither sticky nor greasy. There won't be any mottling from rust or sediment. If you really want to be sure, take a little butter or vegetable oil and fry an egg in your skillet. If it's properly seasoned, the egg won't stick. If it does stick, repeat the seasoning process again.

Generally, your cast iron should be cleaned with water and never with an abrasive like a Brillo pad or harsh cleaners. If there's a bit of buildup, throw in some oil and kosher salt, and scrub it with a paper towel until the sediment is removed.


"Just make sure no one ever fills it with water or soapy water and leaves it overnight. Don't put it through the dishwasher," warns Pollitt.

Insider's takeaway

Don't think of seasoning cast iron as something to be intimidated by. Think of it as creating a tiny coat of armor for your trusty skillet. With a little oil, high heat, and some time, your cast iron will be good as new. If you take good care of it, according to Pollitt, you may never need to go through the process again.

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