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Instagram star Dan Bilzerian ran up to cops during the Las Vegas shooting and asked for a gun

Oct 6, 2017, 21:13 IST

A new video has emerged showing self-described "King of Instagram" Dan Bilzerian running toward fire during the Las Vegas shooting and asking police on the scene for a gun.


"Give me a gun," Bilzerian said in the footage, showing the officers something in his wallet, likely a gun permit. "You don't want my help?"

"No, get the f--- away from me right now," the police officer says in response. "I don't know who you are."

The video, which was posted by Instagram user F-1 Firearms, can be seen below. Gunfire can clearly be heard in the background:

Bilzerian was caught in the shooting on Sunday night, as gunman Stephen Paddock shot and killed 58 people and wounded over 500. The Instagram star is well known as a gun fanatic.


He notably got into a feud with Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, who criticized Bilzerian for using the tragedy as content for his viewers and for running from those in need.

"This is why children shouldn't classify heroes by their followers or their photos," Meyer wrote on Instagram. "@danbilzerian, this is what kills me about people like you. Always playing 'operator dress up' and so so tough when the cameras are on. A woman just got shot in the head and you are running away filming; that's not what operators do. Please stop trying to be someone your [sic] not. People are dying, you're running away not helping them and pretending it's worthy of a video is disgusting."

Bilzerian documented the night in his Instagram story Sunday.

"F---, this girl just got shot in the f---ing head," Bilzerian told his 23 million followers in the first post, which was uploaded around 10 p.m. PDT. "So f---ing crazy."

"So I had to go grab a gun. I'm f---ing headed back. It's f---ing so crazy - some kind of mass shooting," he said in the second video, which was broadcast about an hour later. "F---ing guy had a heavy caliber or whatever."


"Saw a girl got f---ing shot in the face right next to me," he said before the clip cut out.

In the third and fourth videos, Bilzerian said he was heading home, adding: "I don't think there's much I can do."

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