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Jeb Bush takes a not-so-subtle shot at Donald Trump in his first big TV ad

Sep 8, 2015, 20:08 IST

Jeb Bush

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's (R) first television advertisement takes a not-so-subtle jab at current Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

The advertisement, expected to hit the airwaves in New Hampshire this week, touts Bush's conservative gubernatorial record while taking a subtle dig at his some of his presidential rivals - and Trump. 

"If you want more DC politicians, or more self-promoters, you've got options," Bush says, smiling at the camera.

"Anybody can talk. I've delivered."

Bush and Trump have escalated their attacks on each other, repeatedly trading barbs in interviews and on social media over the past several weeks.


Bush has criticized Trump for lacking conservative bona fides, while Trump has referred to Bush as "low energy," and called his attacks "sad."

The $500,000 ad buy, according to the campaign, comes as Bush, a long-presumed front-runner, has struggled to gain momentum in a summer that's been dominated by anti-establishment candidates like Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

According to several recent polls of Republican primary voters, Bush has lost significant ground in New Hampshire in recent months to Trump and Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R). The Granite State is seen as key to Bush's primary strategy, as New Hampshire Republican primary voters have leaned toward more establishment-oriented and moderate candidates in recent history.

A recent Public Policy Polling poll released last month showed Bush tied with former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina for third place, with 7% support among New Hampshire Republican primary voters.

The ad is the first of a barrage of pro-Bush ads poised to blanket the airwaves in key states. Despite his struggles in the polls, the former governor retains a significant fundraising advantage over every other candidate in the race. Earlier this year, Bush's super PAC announced that it had raised $100 million from donors, which it plans to use to run ads in battleground states. 


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