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Jeb Bush's wife takes a step into the spotlight

Apr 17, 2015, 01:34 IST

Mike Coppola/Getty ImagesColumba Bush is asking for money to support her husband Jeb.Columba Bush, the notoriously private wife of possible GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush, is the latest member of the family to reach out to donors on behalf of the former Florida governor.


On Thursday morning, Bush supporters received an email from the former first lady of Florida requesting donations to her husband's PAC, Right to Rise.

Her email asked for small gifts of $3, with the incentive that all contributors would be entered into a drawing to win a weekend trip down to Miami to have lunch with Gov. Bush at his favorite spot.

Mrs. Bush, who was described by the New York Times as "a reluctant participant in public life," is taking a small step into the spotlight just as her husband signals his will soon announce if he will launch a White House bid.

Thursday, at a gathering in New Hampshire, Gov. Bush revealed that he will decide "in relatively short order" if he will run for president.


So far the couple's two sons, George P. Bush and Jeb Jr., have sent emails to Right to Rise supporters seeking donations for their father.

Former First Lady Barbara Bush, Gov. Bush's mother, has also sent a fundraising email.

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