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Jim Carrey And Jeff Daniels Reunite In Awful Looking First Trailer For 'Dumb And Dumber To'

Jun 11, 2014, 19:45 IST

Twenty years after the original "Dumb and Dumber" became a box office hit raking in over $247 million worldwide, Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are reuniting for "Dumb and Dumber To."


Except this time, the Farrelly brothers' movie looks even more crude and cringe-worthy than the first.

Carrey and Daniels debuted the new trailer on the "Tonight Show" with Jimmy Falllon on Tuesday, and here's what we learned:

Jim Carrey's character, Lloyd Christmas, has spent the last 20 years in an institution.

YouTube/"Dumb and Dumber To"

Harry Dunne, played by Jeff Daniels, has been visiting his best friend every day - but it's all been a prank! When Lloyd reveals it was "all part of a gag," Harry thinks that's "Awesome!"

YouTube/"Dumb and Dumber To"


The two immediately return to their old tricks.

YouTube/"Dumb and Dumber To"

Until Harry finds a piece of mail from 1991 from an ex-girlfriend, telling him she is pregnant.

YouTube/"Dumb and Dumber To"

Harry learns he has a daughter who was given up for adoption.

YouTube/"Dumb and Dumber To"

And the two set out to find her.

YouTube/"Dumb and Dumber To"

It proves trickier than planned.

YouTube/"Dumb and Dumber To"


But we're guessing they find a way.

YouTube/"Dumb and Dumber To"

"Dumb and Dumber To" hits theaters November 14. Watch the full trailer below.

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