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Jim Carrey goes after Sean Hannity with a drawing of him as a WWE wrestler

Apr 3, 2018, 22:42 IST

Getty Images / Mario Tama

  • Jim Carrey depicted Fox News host Sean Hannity and InfoWars host Alex Jones as WWE wrestlers in a new drawing on Tuesday.
  • "Performers like Sean Hannity and Alex Jones should join the WWE where their hyperbole will do less damage to the culture," Carrey said.


Jim Carrey's latest drawing goes after Fox News host Sean Hannity, depicting him as a professional wrestler and criticizing him for "damaging" culture.

The actor and comedian, who has recently made a name for himself as a politically themed artist, posted a new drawing to Twitter on Tuesday that shows Hannity and InfoWars host Alex Jones as WWE wrestlers sparring in the ring in front of a crowd of onlookers - including Hitler.

The tweet's caption reads: "If u believe wrestling is real u may even believe Fox news, Info Wars and the robotic drones on Sinclair Broadcasting. But wrestling doesn't harm viewers. Performers like Sean Hannity and Alex Jones should join the WWE where their hyperbole will do less damage to the culture."

Carrey's drawing comes after a Deadspin video went viral this week that shows Sinclair Broadcast Group local news anchors across the nation reciting the same speech about "false news."

Sinclair owns nearly 200 television stations in the US and has been accused of having a conservative bias. John Oliver criticized its right-leaning "must-run" segments on "Last Week Tonight" in July and again blasted the company on Sunday's episode for reportedly forcing its anchors to read the "false news" speech. 

Carrey has taken that line of criticism to a new level, grouping Sinclair and Fox News' Hannity with Jones, who is known for pushing conspiracy theories on his platform InfoWars.

Carrey received backlash from Fox News last month after he posted an unflattering portrait of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

More on Jim Carrey:

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