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Jon Stewart Destroys Hank Greenberg Over His AIG Lawsuit

Oct 10, 2014, 23:44 IST

Jon Stewart shredded Hank Greenberg, the former head of AIG, Thursday night on "The Daily Show."


Greenberg, who ran AIG from 1962 until 2005, is suing the U.S. government over its takeover of the insurance giant during the 2008 financial crisis. Greenberg still owns a ton of AIG stock, and he thinks the bailout was unfair to shareholders who didn't have a choice in the matter.

Stewart likened Greenberg's lawsuit to "I Only Got One Cookie v. My Sister Got Two Cookies."

"Just to set the table for you here, the largest shareholder of AIG-wasn't running it at the time he was just the largest shareholder-a company that was hours away from bankruptcy is suing the entity that through sheer force of $184 billion saved it-or- let me put it this way, 'Yeah, you have me CPR, but would it kill you to take a breath mint?'" Stewart said.

Stewart let Greenberg have it.


Watch the full segment below:

The Daily Show
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