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Jon Stewart Mocks Pundits Who Think Chris Christie's Weight Loss Surgery Is All About 2016

May 8, 2013, 20:00 IST

"The Daily Show's" Jon Stewart tackled New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's revelation that he underwent weight-loss surgery on Tuesday, mocking pundits for speculating about whether it means Christie is running for president in 2016.


"Some say that he's running for president. Because why else would a 50-year-old man with young children and a loving family take steps to extend his life," Stewart said. "Why else!? It is a classic presidential run tell."

Another sign, Stewart said, that Christie was preparing a presidential run — his much publicized squashing of a spider last week in a classroom, which Stewart compared to President Barack Obama's fly swat in 2009.

Watch the clip below, courtesy of Comedy Central:

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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