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Kate Winslet thinks all the talk about Hollywood's gender pay gap is 'vulgar'

Nov 12, 2015, 01:03 IST

LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 19: Actress Kate Winslet, fashion detail, attends the 22nd Annual ELLE Women in Hollywood Awards at Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills on October 19, 2015 in Los Angeles, California.Jason Merritt/Getty Images

Kate Winslet would prefer not to join the group of actors publicly speaking about the Hollywood gender wage gap.


In an interview for BBC's Newsbeat, Winslet said, "I'm having such a problem with these conversations. I understand why they are coming up but maybe it's a British thing. I don't like talking about money; it's a bit vulgar isn't it?"

The Oscar-winning actress said she was "surprised" by the debate and doesn't believe it's a "very nice conversation to have publicly at all."

The debate surrounding the wage gap has been a hot-button topic recently, with Jennifer Lawrence writing an essay criticizing the disparity and Bradley Cooper announcing his plan to help his female co-stars negotiate salaries by sharing his salary information.

Winslet, who is currently starring in Steve Jobs, refused to respond to comments made by other actors around the topic, saying it would be "dangerous." She also denied having ever experienced sexism in the industry.


"And if I'd ever been in that situation I would have either dealt with it or removed myself from it," she said. "I find all this quite uncomfortable. I haven't ever felt that I've really had to stick up for myself just because I'm a woman."

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