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LIVE: Election Results Are Pouring In From Around The Nation

Nov 6, 2013, 05:44 IST

APTerry McAuliffe

It's Election Night in America.


The three biggest races with national implications tonight come in New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial challenges, and the New York City mayoral race. But there are also a few more that we'll be watching.

The status of the races:

  • Virginia: Polls have closed. Early exit polling, according to CNN, shows Democrat Terry McAuliffe with a 50-43 lead over Republican Ken Cuccinelli. It is too close to call, but McAuliffe is expected to win.
  • New Jersey: Polls close at 8 p.m. Gov. Chris Christie is expected to cruise to re-election.
  • New York: Polls close at 9 p.m. Democrat Bill de Blasio is expected to win handily over Republican Joe Lhota.
  • Alabama's 1st congressional district: The two competing factions of the Republican Party meet here in the primary runoff election in Alabama's first congressional district, where polls also close at 8 p.m. The race pits Bradley Byrne, an establishment favorite, against Tea Party favorite Dean Young. Young has a slim lead in the most recent polls.
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