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Meet John Boyega: The Young Star Just Cast In 'Star Wars: Episode VII'

Apr 29, 2014, 23:29 IST

Larry Busacca/Getty Images

The cast of "Star Wars: Episode VII" was just announced.


While many actors will reprise their roles including Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamil, the film will be filled with new stars including John Boyega.

The 22-year-old British actor is best known for playing Moses in 2011's teen monster movie, "Attack The Block."

He was also featured in Spike Lee's 2011 TV movie "Da Brick." Next, he will appear in Fox's upcoming miniseries "24: Live Another Day."

Boyega was widely rumored to star as the lead in "Episode VII." He was reportedly up against other young stars including Jesse Plemons from TV hits "Breaking Bad" and "Friday Night Lights."


Boyega's exact role in the film is still unknown.

He will star alongside another newcomer Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver ("Girls"), and Oscar Isaac ("Inside Llewyn Davis").

The casting of both Boyega and Ridley fits along with J.J. Abrams rumored decision to want to cast relative unknowns. This follows the casting decisions of the original film, "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" which cast relative unknowns Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, and Harrison Ford. "Star Wars: Episode VII" is slated for a December 18 release.
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