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Meet The Big Shots Who Live At 15 Central Park West, The World's Most Powerful Address

Apr 11, 2014, 21:49 IST


There are plenty of legendary addresses in New York City, but one - 15 Central Park West - stands out above the rest.


The ultra-luxury condominium on the corner of West 61st St. and Central Park West has been home to to a laundry list of bankers, celebrities and other assorted bold-faced names, from Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein to Sting.

Author Michael Gross, who recently released a history of the condo called "House of Outrageous Fortune," calls it "the world's most powerful address.

Unlike many of New York's history-laden apartment buildings, especially its main rival across the park, 15 Central Park West is a relative newcomer.

Completed in 2008 by developers Arthur and William Lie Zeckendorf, it offers a ridiculous array of amenities to New York's moneyed elite, from an in-house chef to a skylit lap pool and private screening room.


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