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Mexico supporters showed their love for South Korea with free beer, discounts, and celebrations after they saved their World Cup hopes

Jun 28, 2018, 20:58 IST

Photo courtesy of James Wagner

  • Mexico lost its last match of the group stage of the World Cup but still advanced thanks to South Korea defeating Germany. 
  • Mexico fans were seen celebrating with South Korean fans and even public officials. 
  • Mexican corporations also showed their support for South Korea. 

Mexico, despite losing to 3-0 to Sweden, has advanced to the next round of the World Cup, thanks to South Korea's shocking defeat of Germany. 

And, in what was a beautiful display of trans-national comraderie during these tense and fractious times, Mexico fans took to celebrating with South Korea fans. Including, in one case, the South Korean consul to Mexico, and folks, my man was living

And all across the globe, fans of Mexico and South Korea were joining together in international harmony. 

Even the brands got in on the action. 

It's nice to see the World Cup bringing people together. 

NOW WATCH: Brazil's empty $300 million World Cup stadium

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