The best boat cleaning supplies you can buy


The best all-around, all-purpose boat cleaner

The best all-around, all-purpose boat cleaner
Simple Green Marine, available at Amazon in a 22-ounce spray bottle and by the gallon, $7.99/$15.99

A big myth in the boating world is that you need actual boat soap to clean your boat. Most soaps will do the trick — it doesn't necessarily take the most abrasive and pestilent products around. And, in many cases, even something as benign as Dr. Bronner's Castille Soap will do the trick.

All around, though, we recommend Simple Green Marine. It lathers up nicely, and because it's a degreaser, it handles just about anything you'd spill on your deck. It is, I ought to add, very good with fish blood.

Just watch out, and keep it away from your wax jobs: It's fine for the deck, but it will strip wax, according to many comments by the sage (if salty) characters on the be all end all forum for boating, The Hull Truth.


The best chrome cleaner

The best chrome cleaner
Bar Keeper's Friend, available at Amazon, two 12-ounce cans for $9.49

Some boats are decked out with chrome. It looks great, but it's just one more chore. Get behind on polishing it and it'll start to oxidize.

Bar Keeper's Friend is a great all-around boat cleaner (the group at The Hull Truth agrees), and it'll really get stains out of any metal fittings or structures — but because it's bleach-free, it won't harm them. It's also really cheap.

To use it elsewhere on your boat, work it into a lather within a rag so that it's not as abrasive, especially on high-gloss areas. Your decks, and nonskid areas are all fair game, and it will strip fish blood nicely, too.


The best water-stain remover

The best water-stain remover
Marykate's On & Off, available at Amazon, 32-ounce bottle for $12.47

If you keep your boat in the water for the season, or year round, you'll notice some ugly brown stains along the waterline. You'll also notice that a simple scrub brush and soap combo just won't cut it.

On & Off will remove any waterline stains and exhaust stains, as well as stains left from barnacles and algae, and leave your hull looking absolutely cherry.

It's just recommended, and probably required in some places, that you don't treat your boat with this stuff in the water. It's highly volatile, and you don't want to kill all the poor little critters clinging to and dwelling around your dock or mooring slip.

I use this stuff in the beginning of the season, before I paint the bottom and dunk the boat in the water. That way, you can clean down to your bottom paint line and paint over what paint it strips along the edge. Wash your hull first, then wipe it dry, and then wipe on the On & Off with a rag (and gloves — be sure to use gloves). Let it sit for a few minutes, remove with another rag, and rinse and repeat as needed.

The best scrub brushes

The best scrub brushes
Shurhold Brushes, available at Amazon, starting at $11.41

A scrub brush is an important piece of equipment. Unless you have a very small boat, like me, in which you can get away with a small hand sponge, it's worth investing in a high-grade brush. Shurhold, across the bar, is the favorite among yachties. The bristles are tough, the heads are interchangeable (there's a whole quiver to choose from), and the handles are sturdy chrome that will last years and years.

In short: Don't waste your time with cheap handles. This is the brush you'll see on professional boats everywhere, and there's a reason. It's also not a huge investment in the first place, so this one's a no-brainer, and, more importantly, it will make all of your boat cleaning go a lot quicker and smoother.


The best boat wash and wax

The best boat wash and wax
Thetford RV Wash and Wax, available at Amazon, one gallon for $19.72

Okay, so wax isn't exactly a cleansing agent, but it lays the foundation for a clean, happy boat.

Thetford RV Wash and Wax isn't exactly wax, either. It's the two-in-one shampoo and conditioner of boat hygiene and maintenance. It doesn't give a full wax treatment, but it does create a thin, anti-static sheen that also repels water. That's a good thing, especially where your gel coat is concerned.

It's also, according to Boat US's research, the most effective, biodegradable, and least toxic boat wash there is.

I still like my Simple Green, and I wouldn't want that waxiness on my decks for fear of slipping and sliding.

Wash the high-gloss parts of your vessel with Thetford, and you'll be pleased. Also, like many of the cleaning agents on our list (though unlike just about everything else in the marine world) it's pretty darn cheap.

The best cloths, sponges, and applicators for cleaning and waxing

The best cloths, sponges, and applicators for cleaning and waxing
Better Boat, available at Amazon, starting at $11.99

You don't want to cheap out so much on rags, sponges, or applicators. They'll fall apart, or they'll leave marks or trails of microfibers that will get everywhere. Just the same, you probably don't really want to splurge, either. You are, after all, going to throw these away in time.

Better Boat hits the sweet spot in price for me, and I find that their microfiber cloths last a long time and don't shed.

The brand also has kits on offer, so if you've got a big boat that requires cleaning in several stages (with several materials), you can economize pretty well, like with this sponge, cloth, and bucket kit for only about $14.


The best mildew cleaner

The best mildew cleaner
Heinz Cleaning Vinegar, available at Amazon, one gallon for $13.47

If your boat has a cabin, you'll spend a wealth of time keeping mildew and mold at bay. Don't think you need anything all that special, though. While living on a sloop in Fiji, we were constantly wiping down the cabin liners and spraying the cushions and covers with a magical, if age-old cleaning agent: vinegar.

Yes, a bottle of cleaning (or even white) vinegar can be your best friend in your boat's cabin, and if the smell gets you, just add a little lemon oil for good measure.

This is an easy if tedious job. Just put the vinegar in a spray bottle (along with your lemon oil, if you so choose), hit any vinyl, fabric, and anything liable to collect mildew, and let it sit for a few minutes. Come back along with a paper towel or a rag, and, using some elbow grease, wipe it down. Done-zo. Well, it's easier said than done, but you and your guests (save for unsavory primordial biological lifeforms) will be glad for it.

Some more of our favorite boat cleaner brands

Some more of our favorite boat cleaner brands
3M, available at Amazon
  • For waxes, adhesives, and cleaners
Davis Instruments, available at Amazon
  • For fiberglass stain remover, bathroom fixtures and treatments, and general cleaning accessories
Star Brite, available at Amazon
  • For general boat soaps and waxes
Simple Green, available at Amazon
  • For less toxic boat soaps
Soft Scrub, available at Amazon
  • For more abrasive cleaners for stains and algae