MORGAN STANLEY: Here are 16 stocks that should thrive no matter what


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Regis Duvignau/Reuters

Putting your money in the stock market can be risky. But some stocks are going to thrive, no matter what happens to the economy. The trick, then, is finding those stocks.


Morgan Stanley might be able to help.

On Tuesday, Morgan Stanley released its list of "Vintage Values" stocks for 2017 - 16 stocks that researchers expect to do well over the next year.

To compile this list, the researchers focused on stocks that were rated "overweight" by analysts, and also had a favorable risk/reward profile. "Put simply, we believe these 16 ideas represent our highest-conviction stock ideas for outperformance over the next 12 months," the report states. "Each of these stocks is an attractive one-year buy-and-hold investment opportunity."

We've summarized Morgan Stanley's list here, including projected earnings per share (EPS) in 2017 and the projected 2016 price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, as well as a comment from Morgan Stanley about the stock. Growth stocks with lower PEGs are generally considered cheaper.
