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Nassim Taleb's New Year's Resolutions

Dec 31, 2014, 18:57 IST

Not everyone is gung-ho about making New Year's resolutions on the 31st of December.


Some struggle with coming up with goals, while others simply denounce the tradition.

But not Nassim Taleb.

The famed "Black Swan" tweeted a first draft of his resolutions for 2015.

Here's what he wrote (retyped exactly as tweeted):


  1. Call someone who has no friends, just to say hello, letting the person know that you do not need him/her. Have coffee with lonely people twice a month.
  2. Do not read more than one new book a week - if needed re-read (and read no book you wouldn't reread.) Do not do write more than two hours a day. Walk two hours every day regardless of weather. Do not go the gym more than 5 times in any given month and/or do not spend more than 30 minutes per visit.
  3. Fast one day every week on average. Eat meat only on festivals, but then splurge.
  4. Respect the janitor more than the chairman and respect those who respect the janitor more than the chairman.
  5. Do not read the latest breakthrough experiment in psychology about, say, the effect of taking cold showers on grammatical ability. Better even read nothing about these "experiments."
  6. Read no book written by, or co-authored with, a journalist.
  7. Pick a lobbyist (preferably Monsanto/GMO) or some economist harmful to the collective and make life miserable for him, especially if the reaction entails some personal and reputational risks for you.
  8. Give to someone who need money but doesn't ask for it while finding an excuse to preserve his/her dignity.
  9. Use courage and wisdom, not labor, to make money.
  10. In the end realize that you are only as valuable as the risks you are taking for the sake of the collective.

We'd like to reemphasize that this is only a first draft. There could be changes in the final version.

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