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New Poll Is Actually Brutal For Anthony Weiner's Mayoral Prospects

Apr 17, 2013, 20:03 IST

Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner would clearly shake up the race for New York City Mayor, according to a new poll released Wednesday by Marist College and NBC New York.


The poll shows Weiner in second place in the Democratic race after following City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, 15 percent to 26 percent.

But it paints a bleak overall picture of Weiner's chances at building enough support before a Democratic primary, should he decide to enter the race.

First, Weiner, the former Congressman who was forced to resign after admitting to sending lewd texts, is already a well-known figure. The vast majority of New York City voters — 82 percent — already have an opinion about Weiner, and their thoughts are mostly negative. Only 39 percent view Weiner favorably, compared with 43 percent who have an unfavorable opinion.

Compare that with Quinn — 59 percent said they view her favorably, compared with 23 percent who have an unfavorable opinion.


Among registered Democrats, only 40 percent of registered Democrats want Weiner to run for mayor, while 46 percent don't want him to run. Among all city voters, the split is 47-37 against him running.

The silver lining for Weiner is that his poll numbers have improved since October, when only 28 percent of Democrats wanted him to run. His favorability has also improved — two months ago, only 30 percent of city voters viewed him favorably, while 46 percent viewed him unfavorably.

Weiner also beats out other Democratic candidates for mayor, including Public Advocate Bill de Blasio (11 percent), former Comptroller Bill Thompson (11 percent), and current Comptroller John Liu (12 percent).

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