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Obama Has Four Big Advantages Heading Into Tomorrow's State Of The Union

Feb 11, 2013, 20:18 IST

APPresident Barack Obama heads into Tuesday night's State of the Union address seeking to "pivot" back to an economic focus while also keying on policy proposals on immigration and gun control.


And a new poll from Quinnipiac University shows that Obama holds significant advantages on each of these topics, perhaps giving him more momentum heading into his address.

The poll finds Obama with an edge on Congressional Republicans in four key areas:

  • On handling the economy, 47 percent trust Obama, compared with 41 percent for Republicans.
  • On handling the federal budget deficit, Obama also has a 44-42 advantage.
  • Obama holds a 45-43 advantage on gun policy.
  • On immigration, voters trust Obama by a 46-41 margin.

Politico's Glenn Thrush reports that Obama is expected to be "aggressive" in his address, targeting a Republican Party he feels is "vulnerable and divided."

These numbers could give Obama more ammunition to work with. Especially significant is his advantage on economic issues as the across-the-board cuts of the sequester loom beginning on March 1.


Obama's advantage on trust in handling the economy over Congressional Republicans is his best mark since February 2012. His edge on handling the deficit is his best mark ever measured in the Quinnipiac surveys.

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