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'Of course': Donald Trump brushes off terrorist recruitment video that featured him

Jan 3, 2016, 21:51 IST

Donald Trump.Spencer Platt/Getty Images

On Sunday, real-estate mogul Donald Trump dismissed recent reports that he was used in a recruitment video for al-Shabaab, an Al Qaeda-linked extremist group based in Somalia.

"Of course at some point they're going to do something. I'm the front-runner by a lot," the Republican presidential candidate said on "Fox & Friends."

"We're not supposed to speak about the enemy, because if we do, we're going to be in a propaganda?" Trump asked incredulously.

In December, Trump battled former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who said the Islamic State terror group, also known as ISIS, had featured Trump in recruiting videos. Clinton was reacting to a Democratic debate question about Trump's proposal to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the US.

Trump said he was outraged by Clinton's "disgusting" lie, but Clinton's team didn't back down.


"Hell no," Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said at the time. "Hillary Clinton will not be apologizing to Donald Trump for correctly pointing out how his hateful rhetoric only helps ISIS recruit more terrorists."

However, al-Shabaab subsequently released a recruiting video featuring Trump discussing his proposal to halt Muslims from entering the US, according to Rita Katz, the director of the SITE Intelligence Group. SITE reported on the video over the holiday weekend.

"What am I going to do? I have to say what I have to say," Trump said Sunday when asked on CBS' "Face the Nation" about the video. "And you know what I have to say? There's a problem. We have to find out what is the problem. And we have to solve that problem."

On Fox News, Trump said it was a "total lie" and "disgusting" to equate the Shabaab video with Clinton's claim that he was in an Islamic State video. Trump said her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was actually the one who was highlighted in such a video.

"They really put him down as a 'degenerate,'" Trump said of Bill Clinton. "They talk about all of his scandals."


Earlier in the interview, Trump also hit Hillary Clinton for her husband's past sexual misconduct allegations.

"She's married to a person that's a serious abuser, and I mean at the highest level," Trump said. "And she's not an innocent victim. She's the one that would go along with him in this whole game that they play."

Trump repeated some of his points about the Shabaab video on Twitter as well:

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