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Ohio State Students Had A Stranger Squatting In Their Basement For More Than A Month Before They Found Him

Sep 18, 2013, 03:03 IST

Screenshot Via YouTubeWhen a group of Ohio State University students continuously found odd doors open and appliances in their house turned on, they joked to friends that their house was haunted.


But it turns out there was a stranger living in their basement, according to the Lantern, OSU's student paper.

While searching for the source of off-putting noises they kept hearing, the residents found a locked door to their basement emitting "weird noises like dings and alarms." When maintenance workers knocked the door down, the students discovered a makeshift bedroom "complete with framed photographs and textbooks" and left a note for whoever was living there to call them.

A man named Jeremy contacted the housemates, the Lantern reports. One of the residents said he had met Jeremy - allegedly an OSU student - on the property over the summer, but assumed he lived next door.

The students place some of the blame with their leasing company, and say this could have easily been a much more dangerous situation.


"They hadn't changed the locks from the year before and the keys don't say 'do not duplicate.' There could be hundreds of people with keys to the house," one of the housemates told the Lantern.

Check out a video report from the Lantern below:

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