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One chart that shows how Donald Trump is still dominating the Republican field

Oct 2, 2015, 23:46 IST

Donald Trump.REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Despite proclamations that Donald Trump is losing steam as in the Republican presidential race, a new poll shows he's still the clear early front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.


In a Pew Research Center poll released Friday, Trump leads the pack with 25% support among likely Republican voters nationally. That's 9% above the next-closest competitor, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who garnered 16% support in the poll.

Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) tied for third place with 8% support.

Trump is also still dominating among almost every demographic group surveyed - including women, young people, and those who earn more than $75,000 annually. There are only two exceptions - college graduates and voters who report attending church weekly, voters with whom he loses slightly to Carson.

Here's a look:


Pew Research Center

The poll comes at a time when some analysts have begun to question whether Trump's support has peaked, pointing to several respected polling averages that show other candidates like Fiorina and Rubio rising while Trump has seen his numbers apparently stagnate.

Trump's campaign has vehemently disputed these stories. In recent days, the real-estate mogul has repeatedly slammed media outlets that have reported polls that show him losing ground to Carson, Fiorina, and Rubio.

"It's dishonest reporting and - let me change it - it's knowingly dishonest," Trump told Business Insider last month. "Because the polls speak for themselves. I'm up. Check out Zogby. Check out Reuters - the Reuters - what do they call that? The Reuters average. Even The Huffington Post. Check all of them."

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