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Paul Ryan's team rejects GOP congressman's speculation that he could soon resign

Mar 27, 2018, 03:16 IST

House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., speaks during a meeting with President Donald Trump in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017, along with Republican congressional leaders.Associated Press/Susan Walsh

  • Republican Rep. Mark Amodei of Nevada said he believes Paul Ryan will step down soon as speaker of the House.
  • Ryan's spokeswoman denied that he will resign.

WASHINGTON - A Republican member of Congress said House Speaker Paul Ryan will resign soon and be replaced by House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, in an interview on Monday with a local Nevada talk show.

"The rumor mill is that Paul Ryan is getting ready to resign in the next 30 to 60 days and that Steve Scalise will be the new speaker," Nevada Rep. Mark Amodei said on "Nevada Newsmakers."

Amodei added that no one has begun courting Republicans on the next leadership elections within the House Republican Conference.

"Now, maybe they have talked to all of the members but me. I don't know, so that is the rumor mill from last week," Amodei said.


"The speaker is not resigning," Ryan's spokeswoman Ashlee Strong told Business Insider in response to Amodei's comments.

Ryan has been a major source of fundraising for Republican members of the House and a pillar of the National Republican Congressional Committee's reelection efforts. His departure would be a significant loss for many Republicans from a financial perspective.

Reports from HuffPost and Politico late last year indicated that Ryan has mused not running for reelection in 2018, which would cap a 20-year career in the House. The deadline for candidates to file for reelection in Wisconsin is June 1.

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