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People love this dance crew's 'epic Segway cover' of a Justin Bieber song

Oct 4, 2015, 22:44 IST


Motorized skateboards known as "hoverboards" (despite their inability to actually hover) seem to be everywhere lately.

They're in Vines, on YouTube, and there's a good chance you've nearly crashed into one while walking down the street.

And now, in a video that's going viral with 1.1 million hits and counting as of this writing, they're used as props by a talented dance crew to perform Justin Bieber's hit single "What Do You Mean."


The dance was choreographed by David Moore and is entitled "What Do You Mean / Epic Segway Cover." But the dancers aren't actually riding Segways; they're likely using a "hoverboard" called the Swagway.

The routine starts with one dancer checking his phone. Then, the dancer hops onto his "hoverboard" and is joined by four others.

They bob and weave to the music until he's back on his own again at the end.


Bieber would be proud.

Watch the full video below:

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