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For just $285, you can buy a 'cuomo for president' t-shirt

Mar 31, 2020, 20:52 IST
Lingua FrancaLingua Franca, a New York City fashion boutique, also sells "dr. fauci fan club" sweaters in addition to the "cuomo for president" line.
  • New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is enjoying a spike in approval, and those outside of the Empire State have been getting acquainted with the Queens-bred politician during his daily coronavirus press briefings.
  • Even though Cuomo is not running for president, a New York City fashion boutique is selling "cuomo for president" sweaters for $285 a piece.
  • Lingua Franca, which specializes in "a line of sustainably-sourced, fair trade luxury cashmere sweaters, all hand-stitched by women in NYC" posted an Instagram photo of the new sweater last week, earning a mention in a New York Times story on the newfound desire to "draft Cuomo" for president or VP.
  • The sweater store also sells "dr. fauci fan club" beige sweaters.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

As New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's star has risen, so too has the price of his unofficial merch.

While Cuomo has insisted he is not running for president - and has no plans to do so - a New York City fashion boutique has created a cashmere "cuomo for president" sweater selling for the rock-bottom price of $285.

The governor's daily coronavirus press briefings have been carried by the major networks just about every day around 11:30 a.m., earning the Queens-bred politician plaudits for his measured tone and steady hand amid a pandemic.


Lingua Franca, a relatively new store selling "a line of sustainably-sourced, fair trade luxury cashmere sweaters, all hand-stitched by women in NYC" posted an Instagram photo of the new sweater last week, and even got a mention in a New York Times story on the newfound desire among some Democrats to "draft" Cuomo for president.

In addition to pitching in with face masks to send to medical professionals on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak, Lingua Franca also sells "dr. fauci fan club" sweaters, which do not have a price listed on the website and are currently only available by email order.

In an interview with The Times, Lingua Franca founder Rachelle Hruska MacPherson explained the emergence of the unofficial campaign merch.

"I'm always trying to keep up with what's happening in the zeitgeist," she said, adding that the sweater has seen buyers from Texas, Montana, and even New South Wales, Australia.

Cuomo signaled his support for Biden early on in the primary, and even rebuffed his own brother on CNN last night when asked if he has any plans to seek the Oval Office.

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