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Young black and Latino voters spent hours waiting to vote in Texas and the state can't even say how it will fix the problem before November

Mar 5, 2020, 03:44 IST
REUTERS/CallaghanVoters wait in line to cast their ballot in the Democratic primary at a polling station in Houston, Texas, U.S. March 3, 2020.
  • Long lines at polling places caused headaches for many minority voters on Super Tuesday in Texas.
  • A voter at Texas Southern University, a historically black public university in Houston, waited seven hours to cast a ballot in the primary.
  • Voting rights advocates attributed the lines, in part, to the closure of 750 polling locations in Texas over the past seven years.
  • The closures occurred following the Supreme Court's 2013 ruling in Shelby County v. Holder, which is widely viewed as gutting a key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  • "If you're trying to think about the root cause of the massively long lines you saw all over the state, it very clearly was a systemic issue where I'd point to the Texas legislature and say they just aren't devoting the resources," Anthony Gutierrez, the executive director of Common Cause Texas said.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Long lines at Texas polling locations were likely the result of "systemic voter suppression," in part due to the closure of hundreds of polling locations in the state, made possible, voting rights advocates say, by a 2013 Supreme Court case known for gutting the Voting Rights Act.

In one case, a voter on a black college campus in Houston reported waiting for almost seven hours to cast a ballot.

"It felt ridiculous to be waiting that long in the line, I felt as if the process could've been much smoother and faster than it turned out to be," Yadira Esquivel, an 18-year-old first-time voter in Texas told Business Insider's Kelly McLaughlin.


Similar stories flooded social media, with voters sharing stories of waiting hours in long lines long after polls closed. In California, long lines have been attributed to confusion over new equipment, though in Texas, the story is more complicated.

Long lines in Texas have been linked to the closure of polling places stemming from the Supreme Court's 2013 decision on the Voting Rights Act

Voting rights advocates link Tuesday's issues in Texas, in part, to the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby County v. Holder. In the 2013 case, the court ruled - along ideological lines - to strike down a key portion of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which initally required states that had discriminated against blacks at voting places to seek federal approval before changing their practices.

"Our country has changed," Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote in the majority opinion that year, justifying the decision.

"[Shelby] makes it much more difficult to evaluate the decisions they are making about polling place resource allocations," Sarah Brannon, a managing attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union Voting Rights Project, told Insider. "Before Shelby County, they had to preclear all of those decisions and justify why they were doing certain things. It created a much better environment for people to observe, suss out their motivations, and provide outside input on what the negative impacts potentially would be."

A 2019 study conducted by The Leadership Conference Education Fund found that since that 2013 decision, 750 polling places in Texas have been shut down by the state, which has a 39% Latino and a 12% African-American population.


According to the study, Dallas County had the most poll location closures, 74. The county has a population that is 41% Latino and 22% percent African American, according to the study. Travis County, Harris County, Brazoria County, and Nueces County - all locations with high levels of people who identify as minorities - rounded out the top of the list of locations where polling locations were cut by officials. It wasn't just Texas. Arizona and Georgia also closed hundreds of polling locations.

"There's a small percentage of those closures that actually may be a good thing, but by and large it's basically just voter suppression," Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, who called the incident an example of "systemic voter suppression," said. "Poll sites in Black and brown communities that should have been kept open but have been closed."

The good, he said, came from a "county-wide vote center model" adopted by counties throughout Texas. The model allowed individuals in counties that participated to cast a ballot at any polling location in their county instead of at a specific precinct location.

Brannon said the reason for the long lines in Texas wasn't yet "concrete" and further investigation was necessary, but added evidence suggested the lines were partially the result of the polling location closures, particularly in the Houston region.

MARK FELIX/AFP via Getty ImagesVoters line up at a polling station to cast their ballots during the presidential primary in Houston, Texas on Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

"Houston is a growing community," Brannon said. "A number of polling place closures and consolidation has occurred in the more African American and Latino neighborhoods, which are some of the largest growing areas in Houston. Areas with a significant population increase were assigned less polling places. That raises reason to be very suspicious of the polling place closures, which mean you have a lot more voters assigned to one voting location."

Brannon added that some of the worst lines were seen on college campuses with a high minority population, including Texas Southern University and the Houston Community College's Southeastern campus.

"In those circumstances, it really raises a red flag," she said. The line reports weren't "remotely exaggerated," and were "really that bad" at certain polling locations, Brannon added.

Gutierrez, who works with Common Cause's Election Protection initiative in Texas, pointed specifically to a Texas law passed last year that affected "mobile voting centers," often found on college campuses.


According to KVUE, the law required that any polling site that participated in early voting participate for the full 12 days allowed by state law. The law would most be felt on college campuses and be rural voters, the report said.

In the past, a college may have only offered early voting on campus for a few of the 12 days, he said.

"A lot of counties weren't able to do that at all," he said. "So, that probably contributed to seeing these really long lines that were disproportionately on college polling sites last night."

In addition to the significant reduction in polling locations, advocates say state officials did not allocate enough resources

A lack of voting equipment also led to issues Tuesday, both Brannon and Gutierrez said.

"If you're trying to think about the root cause of the massively long lines you saw all over the state, it very clearly was a systemic issue where I'd point to the Texas legislature and say they just aren't devoting the resources to counties needed to have enough voting machines and enough staff to accommodate the turnout," Gutierrez said.


By the end of the night, extra machines were brought into certain locations with longer lines, though the impact was minimal because the locations only had "a few" poll workers checking people in, Brannon said. Officials sent 14 additional voting machines to Texas Southern and 12 additional machines to Houston Community College late Tuesday, she said.

"Even when you got a number of extra voting machines late last night, for example, it was taking people a long time to get checked in, even once they had an easier time getting to the voting machines," Brannon said. "That reallocation wasn't done until after the polls had closed and they still had people in long lines."

Photo by PAUL RATJE/AFP via Getty ImagesJonathan Lucero and Valeria Gutierrez prepare to receive ballots and polling equipment near the end of poll closures at the El Paso County Courthouse during the presidential primary in El Paso, Texas on Super Tuesday,

Gutierrez said a Common Cause hotline for voting issues received several complaints of people who said polling locations had been listed online as operational days before the election. When they showed up on Tuesday, the locations were closed, they told the hotline. He said some of it could have been due to faulty machines, or a lack of poll workers, though he wasn't entirely sure the cause of such claims.


Big changes need to be made to prevent similar lines in November

"There's gonna have to be some advocacy, and it's made much more difficult because of the lack of the Voting Rights Act," Brannon told Business Insider. "It requires a lot of resources to ensure [election officials] are, in fact, making appropriate decisions about where to have polling places, to educate the public about where those polling places are located, and to make sure there are sufficient resources at those polling locations for the number of voters that have been assigned."

Gutierrez said there were opportunities to make small improvements. In Travis County, for example, he said the awkward layout of polling locations in grocery stores didn't allow for enough voting machines. New technology caused headaches in other areas, he said. These issues can be resolved.

"Those will all be chipping away at the problem, Gutierrez said. "But there really is a big systemic problem of Texas just not investing in infrastructure, and I'm not sure how you resolve that problem before November."

The Texas legislature only meets every two years, and won't meet again until 2021. At this point, eight months away from the general election, Gutierrez said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, would need to intervene to make sweeping changes.

"That's very unlikely," he said.


What could make the issue even worse, he added, is that for the first time in 2020, voters will not be able to check one box indicating they want to vote a straight-party ticket. Instead, they'll have to individually choose a candidate for each race, which might further increase lines as people spend more time in the voting booth. The law was signed in 2017 by Abbott.

The lines can be attributed somewhat to a higher-than-average voter turnout. States like Texas and Virginia reported higher-than-usual turnouts during last night's primary vote.

"The higher turnout for sure contributed to the lines," Gutierrez said. "But I think higher turnout only counts for a piece of the story. There wasn't anyone who didn't see this high turnout coming."

The office of the Texas Secretary of State Ruth Hughs, which will oversee the November election, would not comment on how it plans to ensure Tuesday's issues don't resurface on November 3.

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