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62% of Americans say Roe v. Wade, which established the right to an abortion, should be left as is: poll

Sep 21, 2021, 00:27 IST
Business Insider
Pro-life activists try to block the sign of a pro-choice activist during the 2018 March for Life January 19, 2018 in Washington, DC. Alex Wong/Getty Images
  • Roe v. Wade established the right to an abortion in 1973, but the Supreme Court could revisit that decision soon.
  • 62% of Americans say Roe v. Wade should be left as is, while 31% say it should be revisited.
  • The Monmouth University poll also found that just 33% think abortion should always be legal.

Over 6 in 10 Americans say that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision - which granted Americans the right to seek an abortion under the Due Process Clause of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution - should not be revisited and should be left as is.

That's according to a new Monmouth University poll that found 62% of Americans in favor of preserving the rule, while 31% said it should be revisited.

But the poll shows a deep partisan divide on the issue; 51% of Republicans say Roe v. Wade should be revisited, while 78% of Democrats and 66% of independents said it should be left as is.

The poll also revealed a range of preferences among Americans on the legality of abortion: 33% of Americans said it should always be legal, while 29% said it should be "legal with limitations." Another 24% said abortion should be illegal except in cases of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is threatened, while 11% said it should always be illegal.

Again, the poll shows partisan disparities on the question: 50% of Republicans said abortion should be illegal with exceptions, while over 54% of Democrats said abortion should always be legal.


The poll comes following a high-profile Supreme Court ruling in which the court declined to block a controversial Texas "heartbeat" abortion ban from taking effect, leading some to suspect the court could soon overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Monmouth University poll, conducted by telephone from September 9 through 13, included 802 adults nationwide and had a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

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