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Biden campaign on Trump's refusal to concede: 'The United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House'

Nov 7, 2020, 00:58 IST
Business Insider
President Donald Trump departs after speaking about his list of potential Supreme Court nominees in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House on September 9, 2020 in Washington, DC.Doug Mills-Pool/Getty Images
  • In response to reports that President Donald Trump plans to refuse to concede the 2020 election, the Biden campaign on Friday suggested the president could be escorted from the White House.
  • "The United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House," a Biden campaign representative said.
  • Joe Biden was projected to win the 2020 election by Insider and Decision Desk HQ on Friday.

In response to reports that President Donald Trump does not plan to concede the 2020 election, President-elect Joe Biden's campaign on Friday said the US government is "perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House."

"As we said on July 19th, the American people will decide this election. And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House," Andrew Bates, a representative for Biden's campaign, said in a statement.

Insider and Decision Desk HQ projected Biden to win the 2020 election on Friday morning after the former vice president won Pennsylvania, giving him enough electoral votes to clinch the presidency.

Trump falsely claimed victory in the election multiple times this week and baselessly suggested that the contest was being stolen from him. Trump has provided no evidence to support his allegations of fraud but has mounted legal challenges in battleground states including Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia to halt ballot processing or contest results.

Read more: Legal problems galore await Donald Trump now that he's lost reelection — and soon, his presidential immunity


The Trump campaign on Friday morning rejected the notion that Biden won.

"This election is not over. The false projection of Joe Biden as the winner is based on results in four states that are far from final," the campaign said in a statement. "Biden is relying on these states for his phony claim on the White House, but once the election is final, President Trump will be re-elected."

Trump and his campaign have spread disinformation on the election throughout 2020. For months, Trump made unfounded assertions that increased access to mail-in voting — prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic — would lead to widespread voter fraud.

Trump also before Election Day refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, threatening to break from a hallmark of American democracy. No modern US president has undermined the legitimacy of the electoral process in such as brazen a fashion as Trump.

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