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Biden says he's confident he'll win Pennsylvania and other battleground states in speech calling for national unity

Nov 5, 2020, 04:33 IST
Business Insider
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he believes he'll win the White House on Wednesday afternoon.Win McNamee/Getty Images
  • Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he believes he'll win enough key battleground states to take the White House during a Wednesday afternoon speech.
  • The former vice president spent much of his remarks promising to heal divisions and bring Americans from across the ideological spectrum together — a pledge that defined his 2020 campaign.
  • "The presidency itself is not a partisan institution, it's the one office in this nation that represents everyone," Biden said.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said during a Wednesday afternoon speech that he believes he'll win enough key battleground states to win the White House and oust President Donald Trump.

Speaking from his home state of Delaware, Biden said "it's clear" his campaign is "winning enough states to win 270 electoral votes," claiming victory in Arizona and projecting confidence that he'll win Michigan and Pennsylvania.

"I feel very good about Pennsylvania," the former vice president said.

Shortly before Biden's speech, the Trump campaign falsely claimed victory in Pennsylvania, which Trump needs in order to be reelected. Hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania's mail-in ballots, the vast majority of which were cast by Democrats, have yet to be counted.

Decision Desk HQ and Insider called Michigan and Wisconsin — two crucial battlegrounds — for Biden on Wednesday afternoon.


Biden insisted that every vote must be counted and condemned any attempt to undermine the electoral process.

"The people rule," Biden said. "Power can't be taken … it flows from the people and it is their will who determines who will be the president of the United States and their will alone."

He added later: "We the people will not be silenced, we the people will not be bullied, we the people will not surrender."

Biden spent a significant portion of his remarks urging unity and promising to heal divisions and bring Americans together — a pledge that defined his 2020 campaign.

"The presidency itself is not a partisan institution, it's the one office in this nation that represents everyone," Biden said. "I will work as hard for those who didn't vote for me as I did for those who did vote for me."

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