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Donald Trump launched a furious attack on 'broken down hack' Mitch McConnell and his 'crazy wife' in bust-up over GOP Senate candidates

Aug 21, 2022, 18:42 IST
Business Insider
Former President Donald Trump, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.Drew Angerer/Getty Images, Joe Maiorana/AP Photo
  • Trump lashed out at McConnell after he said the GOP might struggle to flip the Senate.
  • Trump said McConnell was a "broken down hack politician" who should support GOP Senate hopefuls.

Former President Donald Trump has launched a furious attack on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in a dispute over the GOP Senate mid-term campaign.

Trump said the senior senator from Kentucky should spend more time and money helping Republican Senate candidates get elected and "less time helping his crazy wife and family get rich on China."

"Why do Republicans Senators allow a broken down hack politician, Mitch McConnell, to openly disparage hard working Republican candidates for the United States Senate," Trump wrote on Truth Social.

McConnell has drawn ire from Trump after he said that Republicans will face a tough task in flipping the Senate majority, citing "candidate quality."

Recent polling has shown that GOP nominees in the nation's most closely contested states are struggling to keep up.


This includes Trump-backed candidates Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania, JD Vance in Ohio, and Herschel Walker in Georgia.

Trump and McConnell, who were once firm allies, have been publicly feuding since Trump's 2020 election loss.

McConnell angered Trump after appearing to accept Joe Biden's victory and condemning the former president for being "practically and morally responsible" for the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

Trump wrote on Truth Social that McConnell's comments about GOP Senate candidates were "an affront to honor and to leadership."

The former president also made a disparaging comment about McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao, who served as Trump's Transportation Secretary and was one of the first Cabinet officials to resign after the Capitol riot. She is reported to have spoken to the House January 6 panel earlier this month.


Trump has previously drawn attention to Chao's business ties to China.

Chao's family owns a shipping company that transports material to and from China, and a government watchdog has previously alleged that she used her office's staff and resources to support the business.

Despite their fraught relationship, McConnell has said he would still support Trump as the party's 2024 nominee.

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