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Joe Biden said he'll do 'nothing' differently after the midterm elections because he's 'confident these policies are working': 'I'm not gonna change'

Nov 10, 2022, 06:35 IST
Business Insider
President Joe BidenSusan Walsh/AP
  • President Joe Biden responded "nothing" when asked what he'll do differently over the next two years.
  • The president said the "overwhelming majority" of Americans support his economic agenda.

President Joe Biden on Wednesday projected confidence in the country's direction after the midterm elections, responding "nothing" when asked what he will do differently in the next two years.

"The more they know about what we're doing, the more support there is," Biden said of voters during a nearly hour-long news conference after midterm election results exceeded expectations for Democrats.

With many race results still pending, Republicans are likely to capture control of the House and the Senate is still in play for both parties. But Democrats dodged a so-called "red wave" as midterm elections have historically punished the president's party two years after his first election.

"It was a good day, I think, for democracy," Biden said, later adding: "I know you were somewhat miffed by my obsessive optimism, but I felt good during the whole process."

Biden acknowledged voters' concerns about public safety and inflation, saying "there's still a lot of people hurting." But he said the "overwhelming majority" of Americans support his economic agenda.


"I'm confident these policies are working and that we're on the right path and we need to stick with them," he said, pledging to work with Republicans.

Biden's comments about the next two years came in response to a question from the Associated Press' Zeke Miller, who noted that 75% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction despite the election results.

Biden said people don't want his administration to walk away from the work they have done to lower the cost of prescription drug prices or pass bipartisan legislation to improve the nation's infrastructure. Some measures take time to implement he said, but "there's a lot of things that are just starting to kick in."

"So I'm not gonna change," he said.

But the president noted that he wants to build on some of his achievements, such the gun safety legislation he signed in June.


"We didn't ban assault weapons," he said. "I'm going to ban assault weapons. I'm going to try like the devil."

Biden acknowledged that "some good Democrats" lost their elections, but he said his party had a "strong night."

"We lost fewer seats in the House of Representatives than any Democratic president's first midterm election in the last 40 years," he said. "And we had the best midterm for governors since 1986."

Former President Barack Obama called it a "shellacking" when Democrats lost 63 House seats and six Senate seats in 2010. In 2018, former President Donald Trump lost 40 Republican seats in the House and two in the Senate.

Former President George W. Bush picked up eight House and two Senate seats in 2002 after the September 11, 2001 attacks, but he admitted Republican took a "thumping" in 2006 when losses in both chambers totaled 36.

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