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Republicans support the GOP more than Trump for the first time in 2 years, a new poll shows

Apr 28, 2021, 01:54 IST
Business Insider
  • A new NBC News poll suggests Trump's support among GOP voters is slipping.
  • The poll found more GOP voters support the party over Trump for the first time since 2019.
  • Meanwhile, Trump's overall favorability rating has also dropped.

Former President Donald Trump's support among Republican voters appears to be dropping, according to a new NBC News poll.

For the first time since 2019, NBC polling found supporters of the GOP outnumbered those who said they back Trump more than the party. The poll found 50% of Republicans said they support the GOP more than they support Trump, while 44% said they support the former commander-in-chief more than the Republican party.

The former president's grip on the party has been remarkably strong for years, and top Republicans in Washington continue to exhibit loyalty toward Trump - including those he regularly insults. But this poll suggests Trump's influence over GOP voters could be slipping.

The new poll also found that Trump's favorability rating has dropped by eight percentage points over the past few months. Among registered voters, 32% had a favorable view of the former president, while 55% had an unfavorable view. Comparatively, Trump's favorability in the same poll in January stood at 40%, while 53% of registered voters at the time said they had an unfavorable view of him.

Trump has been out of office for nearly 100 days, and a lot has already changed in that time. He's no longer on Twitter. Far more Americans have been vaccinated. And there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic. That said, the insurrection Trump provoked at the US Capitol on January 6 continues to loom over Washington and has fostered continued discussions on domestic extremism in the US.


Recent polling shows fairly strong approval for President Joe Biden as he closes in on the 100-day mark. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Sunday found 52% of adults approve of the job Biden is doing. By comparison, the same poll found Trump's approval rating was at 42% at this point his presidency.

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