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Sarah Palin gave a speech opposing vaccination, and said she would get a shot 'over my dead body'

Dec 20, 2021, 17:27 IST
Business Insider
Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican party Vice Presidential nominee Sarah PalinJASON CONNOLLY/AFP via Getty Images
  • Sarah Palin on Sunday said she would never get the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • She said: "I will not [get one]. I won't do it and they better not touch my kids either."

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin has vowed not to get a coronavirus vaccine after claiming she had natural immunity because she contracted COVID-19 in March.

Palin, who was the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, said on Sunday she would get the vaccine "over my dead body."

She also attacked Dr. Antony Fauci, the White House chief medical advisor, for being "inconsistent" in his advice about vaccines and immunity.

"Do you remember [Fauci] said that if you had covid, you would be naturally immune?" Palin said Sunday during an interview at an event hosted by conservative group Turning Point USA in Phoenix, Arizona in comments reported by the Daily Mail.

"So at the time we were led to believe we wouldn't need to have the shot.


"Well, then they changed their tune. Those of us who have had COVID, they're telling us that even though we've had it — we have natural immunity — now that we still have to get a shot."

Medical advice has in fact been consistent that people who caught COVID-19 previously should still get vaccinated.

Reinfections have been noted for more than a year, and in March 2021 Insider's Marianne Guenot reported that those 65 and over are especially at risk.

Early data suggests that reinfection is significantly more likely from the fast-spreading Omicron variant.

Nonetheless, Plain concluded that: "It'll be over my dead body that I get a shot."


"I will not. I won't do it and they better not touch my kids either."

Sarah Palin announced in spring that she and two of her children had tested positive for COVID-19 and urged Americans to wear masks and take the pandemic seriously.

Dr. Fauci said in September that people who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 could conceivably be "protected" from reinfection but warned the protection may fade.

President Joe Biden last week warned that Americans who were unvaccinated faced a "winter of severe death and illness," particularly as the new Omicron variant spreads rapidly across the US.

"But there's good news: If you're vaccinated and you have your booster shot, you're protected from severe illness and death," Biden said on Thursday, per CNN.


Biden reportedly plans to issue a "stark warning" on Tuesday to unvaccinated people about the risks of not receiving a shot.

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