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Ted Cruz gets castigated for saying 'pregnancy is not a life-threatening illness' in abortion pill claim

Sep 4, 2020, 01:39 IST
Business Insider
Sen. Ted Cruz.Jim Lo Scalzo-Pool/Getty Images
  • Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted in opposition to an oral drug that can terminate pregnancies, and his wording got him in hot water.
  • "Pregnancy is not a life-threatening illness, and the abortion pill does not cure or prevent any disease," Cruz tweeted on Wednesday.
  • Given that the US has the highest pregnancy mortality rate in the developed world, the backlash to Cruz's erroneous claim was swift.
  • Cruz later grumbled about the initial media coverage of the pile on, tweeting "Oddly, for these 'reporters' Lefty tweets are news, but nobody on Twitter is pro-life w/ a different view."

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is getting pilloried online for his comments on pregnancy.

Cruz signed onto a letter with other GOP senators calling for the FDA to ban the oral drug Mifeprex — sometimes referred to as the "abortion pill" that can terminate a pregnancy at 97% effectiveness in the first 63 days.

"Pregnancy is not a life-threatening illness, and the abortion pill does not cure or prevent any disease," Cruz tweeted on Wednesday. "Make no mistake, Mifeprex is a dangerous pill. That's why 20 of my Republican colleagues and I are urging @US_FDA to classify it as such."

In fact, the United States has the highest maternal death rate of any developed nation. A USA Today investigation found more than 50,000 women experience serious injuries and another 700 die during pregnancy each year.

The reaction to Cruz's erroneous claim about the risk of death was swift and intense.


Cruz then returned to Twitter to take issue with the initial coverage.

As a "pro-life" conservative, Cruz is staunchly opposed to abortion, only allowing approval for such a procedure if the life of the mother is at risk.

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