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Trump is renewing his attack on Fox News, accusing his favorite network of repeating 'Democrat talking points'

Apr 27, 2020, 18:15 IST
Business Insider
Then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump participates in a debate sponsored by Fox News in Detroit in March 2016.Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
  • President Donald Trump has renewed his attack on Fox News, accusing the network of echoing "Democrat talking points."
  • "The people who are watching @FoxNews, in record numbers ... are angry," he wrote in a Sunday Twitter rant against the media. "They want an alternative now. So do I!"
  • Trump has veered for months between praising the conservative news network and condemning it for showing insufficient loyalty.
  • On Friday it was reported the network would air an ad by anti-Trump Republicans focusing on the disastrous coronavirus task force briefing where the president floated the idea of consuming disinfectant.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

President Donald Trump reignited his feud with Fox News on Sunday, accusing the network of being "fed Democrat talking points."

Having taken a step back from the coronavirus task force briefings after his disastrous appearance on Thursday, where he claimed consuming disinfectant could cure the coronavirus, the president lashed out at the press in a Sunday Twitter rant.

The familiar targets of CNN and MSNBC — or "MSDNC," as he put it — were the focus of his invective, but the president also attacked Fox News, the conservative network the president veers between lavishing in praise and attacking for insufficient loyalty.

"@FoxNews just doesn't get what's happening! They are being fed Democrat talking points, and they play them without hesitation or research. They forgot that Fake News @CNN & MSDNC wouldn't let @FoxNews participate, even a little bit, in the poor ratings Democrat Debates," tweeted the president in the string of messages.

"Even the Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats laughed at the Fox suggestion. No respect for the people running @FoxNews. But Fox keeps on plugging to try and become politically correct. They put RINO Paul Ryan on their Board. They hire 'debate questions to Crooked Hillary' fraud @donnabrazile (and others who are even worse)."


"RINO" is a pejorative term used by some conservatives that stands for "Republican In Name Only."

"[Fox News host] Chris Wallace is nastier to Republicans than even Deface the Nation or Sleepy Eyes," the president tweeted, referencing the names he calls CBS News show "Face the Nation" and NBC News anchor Chuck Todd.

"The people who are watching @FoxNews, in record numbers (thank you President Trump), are angry," he added. "They want an alternative now. So do I!"

Trump has previously touted the One America News Network as an alternative to Fox News, and has given a media personality and conspiracy theorist who works there preferential treatment at White House briefings.

The tiny network regularly promotes far-right conspiracy theories, and is not considered a serious rival to the ratings-topping Fox News network.


It is unclear what exactly provoked Trump's ire at the network over the weekend.

But it may have something to do with news that a group of anti-Trump Republicans will air an ad this week during "Fox and Friends," the president's favorite morning show.

The ad, from the group Republicans for the Rule of Law, replays Trump's comments during the briefing on Thursday, and brands him "unwell" and the comments "unacceptable."

Sarah Longwell, one of the group's founders, had tweeted the ad on Friday, saying it will run on the network this week.

Chris Wallace, the Fox News host who Trump singled out for attack, on Sunday also grilled Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin over the president's optimism about an economic bounceback when lockdown restrictions are lifted.

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