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Trump refused to unveil Obama's White House portrait after the former president criticized his handling of the COVID-19 outbreak. Here are 8 other famous presidential feuds in history.

  • Earlier this week, President Donald Trump reportedly refused to host a White House ceremony to unveil former President Barack Obama's official portrait.
  • Trump and Obama have traded barbs in recent weeks, particularly over Trump's handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
  • But they are far from the first American presidents not to see eye to eye.
  • Here are eight other presidential feuds, dating as far back as Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

The bad blood between President Donald Trump and his predecessor Barack Obama boiled over this week when NBC News reported that Trump was refusing to hold a White House ceremony to unveil Obama's official portrait.

The ceremony is a long-held White House tradition, whereby the current president, usually in their first term, invites their predecessor back to the White House to see the painting unveiled.

But according to sources who spoke to NBC News, there is so much animosity between Trump and Obama that the ceremony is not likely to happen. Trump in recent weeks also been accusing Obama of committing a political crime, which he has called "Obamagate" without explaining what it is.

With presidential power swinging back and forth between parties for decades, Trump and Obama certainly are not the first presidents not to see eye to eye.

Here are eight other major presidential feuds in American history, from Thomas Jefferson and John Adams to Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.

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