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Trump's pick for spy chief pledges to 'speak truth to power' if confirmed, despite years of evidence to the contrary

  • Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe, President Donald Trump's nominee for Director of National Intelligence, testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday that he will "speak truth to power" if confirmed.
  • This is Ratcliffe's second attempt at securing the Senate's approval for the DNI role. Trump initially nominated Ratcliffe last year, but the congressman withdrew after a string of controversies about his past record and public statements.
  • Ratcliffe was grilled on Tuesday on his views about the origins of the novel coronavirus, Russian interference in US elections, and Trump's controversies with the intelligence community.
  • Officials from previous Democratic and Republican administrations have sounded the alarm about his nomination, saying Ratcliffe's appointment could paralyze the intelligence community and present an existential threat to career officials.
  • Scroll down for highlights from Ratcliffe's blockbuster testimony.
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Republican Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe pledged on Tuesday to "speak truth to power" if he's confirmed as the Director of National Intelligence, the US's top spy chief who is responsible for overseeing 16 other intelligence agencies.

"Regardless of what anyone wants our intelligence to reflect, the intelligence I will provide, if confirmed, will not be impacted or altered as a result of outside influence," Ratcliffe said in opening remarks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee. "Above all, my fidelity and loyalty will always be to the Constitution and rule of law, and my actions as DNI will reflect that commitment."

This is Ratcliffe's second attempt at securing the Senate's approval to be DNI. President Donald Trump initially nominated him for the position last July after Ratcliffe catapulted into the spotlight by berating the former special counsel Robert Mueller during congressional hearings.

But the congressman withdrew from consideration after it surfaced that he inflated his resume and misled the public about his role in overseeing anti-terrorism efforts at the US attorney's office for the Eastern District of Texas.

Ratcliffe adopted a markedly different demeanor during Tuesday's hearing than he has over the last several years as one of Trump's biggest attack dogs on Capitol Hill.

Though he's gone to bat for the president repeatedly during his time in Congress, Ratcliffe tried on Tuesday to distance himself from Trump and strike a more balanced tone amid questions about his qualifications and experience.

Scroll down for highlights from Tuesday's hearing:

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