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Ukraine says it's launching a mission to extract civilians from the Mariupol steel plant surrounded by Russian forces

Apr 29, 2022, 21:15 IST
Business Insider
Smoke rises above a plant of Azovstal Iron and Steel Works during Ukraine-Russia conflict in the southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine April 21, 2022.Alexander Ermochenko/Reuters
  • Ukraine said it would try to evacuate civilians from the surrounded Azovstal steel plant on Friday.
  • Russia seized Mariupol on April 21, trapping hundreds of Ukrainian troops and civilians in the plant.

Ukraine said it would attempt on Friday to extract civilians from the Azovstal steel plant besieged by Russian forces in Mariupol.

"An operation is planned today to get civilians out of the plant," the office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Friday without giving further details, Reuters reported.

Russia said it had seized total control of Mariupol, a critical port city on the Sea of Azov, on April 21.

But it acknowledged that hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians were trapped in the underground basement network of a steel plant. Ukrainian officials have said the civilians there are mostly women and children, and that they are running out of food and supplies.

Petro Andrushchenko, an advisor to the mayor of Mariupol, said on Friday that Russian forces had closed off an area of the city near Azovstal and could be preparing to storm the plant, CNN reported.


Major Serhiy Volyna, the commander of the Ukrainian troops in the plant, told Insider last week that surrender wasn't an option. "We're not even considering that possibility," he said. "We won't lay down our weapons."

The UN said on Tuesday that President Vladimir Putin had agreed "in principle" to an evacuation attempt from Azovstal led by the UN and International Committee for the Red Cross.

Zelenskyy said in an address late on Thursday that the mission would succeed if Russia held up its end of the bargain.

"I believe that with the help of the UN it is possible to organize an evacuation mission. Ukraine is ready for these steps," he said. "But it is also necessary for the Russian side to consider this issue without cynicism and actually do what it says."

Ukraine has previously said that efforts to establish humanitarian corridors out of Mariupol were ruined by Russian action.


Zelenskyy went on to say that Russia was still bombing Mariupol, where tens of thousands of civilians still resided, despite claims it had stopped.

He said, "This is a war crime committed by the Russian military literally in front of the whole world."

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