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White House trusts the Secret Service to 'get to the bottom' of how cocaine got into the White House

Jul 6, 2023, 02:14 IST
Business Insider
White House press secretary Karine Jean-PierreChip Somodevilla / Getty Images
  • White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre largely avoided comment on cocaine being found in the West Wing.
  • Jean-Pierre said that it was up to the Secret Service to investigate the episode.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Wednesday that it's up to the Secret Service to figure out how cocaine was brought into the West Wing after preliminary testing detected the substance over the weekend.

"This is under the purview of the Secret Service," Jean-Pierre told reporters during Wednesday's White House news briefing. "We are going to allow this investigation to continue. We have confidence that the Secret Service will get to the bottom of this."

Jean-Pierre pointed out that President Joe Biden and his family were not at the White House over the holiday weekend when the substance was reportedly found. According to multiple media reports, the discovery of an unknown white substance prompted a brief evacuation. A preliminary test later found that substance to be cocaine.

The suspected cocaine was found on the ground floor of the West Wing where members of the public taking tours are asked to leave their phones, The Washington Post reported. Jean-Pierre would only say that the location the substance was found was "heavily traveled."

"Where this was discovered is a heavily traveled area where White House — I should be even more specific — where West Wing visitors come through this particular area," she said.


A spokesperson for the Secret Service did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

An unnamed law enforcement official said it is unlikely the culprit will ever be found given how many people have access to the area.

"Even if there were surveillance cameras, unless you were waving it around, it may not have been caught," an official told Politico of the situation. "It's a bit of a thoroughfare. People walk by there all the time."

Jean-Pierre repeatedly emphasized that the Secret Service needs time to complete its probe. She added that Biden has been briefed by White House staffers on the situation.

"We have confidence that the Secret Service is going to get to the bottom of this," Jean-Pierre said.

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