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Polls show that most Americans approve of the FBI and believe Trump is obstructing justice

Feb 7, 2018, 05:03 IST

President Donald Trump sits with FBI Director Christopher Wray during the FBI National Academy graduation ceremony, Friday, Dec. 15, 2017, in Quantico, Va.Evan Vucci/AP

  • New polls have indicated that Americans generally disagree with President Donald Trump on a host of issues related to the FBI, immigration, and the Russia investigation.
  • Most continued to hold favorable views towards the FBI and intelligence agencies, despite the president's recent attacks on them.
  • 53% of voters believe that Trump attempted to obstruct justice in the Russia investigation.

New polls show that despite President Donald Trump's rhetoric on a host of issues including the Russia investigation, the FBI, and immigration, the majority of voters disagree with him - and continue to hold the FBI and special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe in relatively high regard, according to polls from Quinnipiac University and Axios.

When asked whether Trump had tried to "derail or obstruct" the Russia investigation, 53% of voters said that he had, while 41% said that he did not. Half of voters believed the Mueller probe was "legitimate" and 41% did not, however 56% told Quinnipiac that it was fair. Only 28% agreed with Trump that it wasn't.

In terms of approval of the FBI, 49% of Americans held a favorable view of the agency, according to Axios, and 48% told Quinnipiac that the agency was handling its job well. The FBI's approval rating had jumped two percentage points since January 2017, according to the poll.

But when broken down by party, support for the FBI fluctuated wildly. While 64% of Democrats approved of the bureau, only 38% of Republicans agreed with them. Since January 2017, though, approval of the FBI has shrunk overall, Axios reported.


55% of voters did agree that Trump was biased against the FBI, however, and 55% also said they did not trust the president to "do what is right."

Trump has also made a habit of attacking the US court system, especially when district courts have struck down his various travel bans. But nevertheless, 67% of voters approve of the courts, and 61% approve of the job intelligence agencies like the CIA are doing.

On immigration, 59% do not approve of Trump's calls to build a wall along the country's southern border, and 72% did not agree that undocumented citizens committed more crime than US citizens.

Americans polled did have one gripe in common with Trump though - 57% echoed the president and said the news media could not be trusted to do the right thing.

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