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Scott Pruitt sent a bizarre, unapologetic resignation letter to Trump

Jul 6, 2018, 03:22 IST

In this Feb. 12, 2018, file photo, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt attends a meeting with state and local officials in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington. The Trump administration is rewriting Obama-era rules governing pollution from oil and gas operations and coal ash dumps, moves that opponents say will significantly weaken protections for human health and the environment. The EPA announced the changes Thursday, March 1, the latest in series of actions in the last year to roll back regulations opposed by the fossil-fuel industry.Carolyn Kaster/AP

  • The embattled, and now former, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt delivered a resignation letter that was both unapologetic and clear about one thing: he served President Donald Trump.
  • Trump announced Pruitt's departure on Thursday, after months of scandal surrounding Pruitt's behavior at the environmental agency.
  • In his resignation letter, Pruitt made no mention of the turmoil that engulfed the agency under his leadership and described the criticism he faced as personal attacks.

Scott Pruitt, the now-former EPA administrator who resigned on Thursday following a string of scandals surrounding his behavior at the agency, delivered a goodbye letter that unequivocally declared where his loyalty was.

"It is extremely difficult for me to cease serving you in this role," Pruitt's letter reads, addressing President Donald Trump. In another sentence, Pruitt says, "I count it a blessing to be serving you in any capacity."

Later in the letter, Pruitt pleads to Trump: "I pray that as I have served you, that I have blessed you and enabled you to effectively lead the American people."

Pruitt has received fierce criticism over his management at the EPA, and his use of taxpayer funds to pay for extravagant travel and other expenses. He is at the center of more than a dozen investigations as a result.


Pruitt's resignation letter also says nothing of the multiple scandals related to his tenure at the EPA, or that the public had lost faith in him. The latter point was made clear last week, when a mother approached Pruitt at a restaurant, with her child on her arm, and told Pruitt: "I would urge you to resign before your scandals push you out."

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