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Sean Parker And Alexandra Lenas' First Dance Was To The Little Mermaid's 'Part Of Your World'

Aug 1, 2013, 22:10 IST
Newlyweds Sean Parker and Alexandra Lenas had a magical wedding in Big Sur, California, surrounded by red woods. It could have been lifted from the pages of a fairy tale; guests wore medieval gowns, animal skins were strewn on chairs, and the couple's first song was inspired by Disney. For their first dance as husband and wife, Parker and Lenas chose Part of your World, from The Little Mermaid. Parker knew every word. From Vanity Fair's David Kirkpatrick who attended the soiree: “Look at this trove, treasures untold / How many wonders can one cavern hold?” Sean Parker, the billionaire Internet wizard who helped create Napster and Facebook, knew the lyrics by heart. It was an endearing, corny, and over-the-top moment at an event most noteworthy, perhaps, for how it has been vilified as a symbol of the excesses of tech-industry wealth. A number of celebrities and executives attended the event including Girls actress Alison Williams, Square founder Jack Dorsey, Mark and Alison Pincus (of Zynga and One Kings Lane respectively), Sex and the City actor Kyle MacLachlan, actress Olivia Munn, Sting, and more. Although Lenas and Parker swear their wedding wasn't inspired by Game of Thrones, there were hints of the hit HBO show everywhere. Guests were able to watch the wildly popular "Red Wedding" episode that evening, one week ahead of its air date. Here's a picture of the nuptuals, and some of the important people who attended. (Image via Conde Nast's Vanity Fair, click to enlarge) Vanity Fair
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