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Senator Shows Up To The Wrong Hearing And Wonders Whether 'Russians Have Been Messing With My Schedule'

Apr 4, 2014, 03:40 IST

Via the Washington Post

In a move seemingly straight out of a sitcom, Sen. Dan Coats, a Republican from Indiana, showed up at the wrong hearing Thursday. Hilarity ensued.


As first noted by The Washington Post's Colby Itkowitz, Coats made an appearance at an Appropriations subcommittee hearing Thursday - when he thought he was stepping into an Armed Services Committee hearing on the Department of Defense's 2015 fiscal year budget.

Coats asked David Cohen, undersecretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence, a lengthy question as he walked in. After a brief pause, a staffer handed him a note.

"I just got a note saying I'm at the wrong hearing," he said.

"Well, that would explain why I didn't know anything about this letter," Cohen said, prompting laughter.


Coats quipped that he hoped it wasn't a "precursor." Later on Twitter, Coats - who was recently included on a list of sanctioned U.S. individuals by Russia - joked he thought Russia was messing with his schedule.

Here's video of the mishap, via the WaPo:

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