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Shia LaBeouf Wore A Paper Bag On Head To Movie Premiere

Feb 10, 2014, 00:48 IST
Clemens Bilan/Getty Images

Shia Labeouf showed up to the premiere of new movie "Nymphomaniac" wearing a paper bag on his head with the words, "I am not famous anymore."
The film - about a self-diagnosed sex-obsessed woman - is the first of two movies to be released this year from Lars von Trier starring the actor. The "Transformers" star first used the phrase on Twitter after he was accused of and later apologized for plagiarizing a short film. Earlier, the star stormed out of a press conference for the film after being asked a question about doing a movie with so many sex scenes. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Labeouf responded with a 1995 quote from French soccer player Eric Cantona: "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much."
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