Five ways you can celebrate Earth Hour when you’re stuck indoors during the Coronavirus pandemic


Switch off your lights for an hour

Switch off your lights for an hour

The simplest and most essential thing to do during Earth Hour is to switch off all of your non-essential lights for an hour between 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm. If you're not really looking to entertain yourself, you can always grab a quick nap.


Plan a romantic candle light dinner

Plan a romantic candle light dinner

Being stuck at home during the lock down can get boring, so grab a pan to whip up a nice dinner. Grab some candle sticks and when the clock strikes 8:30 pm surprise your significant other with a romantic dinner for two.


It's a good time to practice your low light photography

It's a good time to practice your low light photography

(Source: Unsplash)

If sitting around in darkness for an entire hour isn’t your idea of a good time, you can always garb your phone and practice your night time photography. During the Coronavirus lock down, it’s recommended that you don’t head outside. However, your balcony can serve you well if you’re looking to take pictures of the moon or the streets. Otherwise, you can always try and click melancholic portraits, which always make for some stellar black-and-white photographs.

Dance the night way

Dance the night way

(Source: Unsplash)

Another way to pass the Earth Hour is to put on some tunes and just dance the night away! Not only it is amazing to get some movement into your schedule as you’re stuck indoors, but physical activity will give you a boost of endorphins — more commonly known as happy hormones.


Shadow puppet show for the kids

Shadow puppet show for the kids

(Source: Jimmie/Flickr)

If you have kids at home and are looking for a way to entertainment during Earth Hour. Light up a candle, make sure it’s in a safe location where a child won’t knock it over, and bring out your puppetry skills. Put on a show for the kids by either narrating them a story or just teaching them how to make different shapes against the wall.