The 15 healthiest cities to live in the US in 2020, where people work out regularly, prioritize self-care, and get a full night's sleep


10. Raleigh, North Carolina

10. Raleigh, North Carolina

Most Raleigh residents work out regularly, with 76% exercising at least once a week, according to Mindbody's Wellness Index. More people in Raleigh do HIIT (high intensity interval training) than any other city in the US. The North Carolina capital also has very few smokers.


9. Minneapolis, Minnesota

9. Minneapolis, Minnesota

More than three-quarters of Minneapolis residents work out at least once a week, and many of them are doing yoga. About 30% of residents take a yoga class at least once a week — the second-highest percentage of yoga-goers per capita in the top 50 US cities, according to the report.


8. Tampa, Florida

8. Tampa, Florida

People who live in Tampa are particularly interested in integrative health and wellness, with more than half of residents booking such appointments at least once a year. Tampa is also a well-hydrated city: 60% of residents reported drinking at least six to eight glasses per day.

7. Washington, DC

7. Washington, DC

The US capital is the most "weight-healthy" city in the country based on BMI, according to the report. Eighty-one percent of Washingtonians exercise at least once a week. The capital is also the country's top spender on beauty and grooming. Residents spend $63 per month on average on these services, much more than the national average of $41.


6. Seattle, Washington

6. Seattle, Washington

Seattle is one of the most well-rested cities in the US, and nearly 80% of residents work out at least once a week. Seattleites are big fans of group fitness such as yoga and weight/strength training. And they stay on top of their doctor's visits: 60% of residents say they get a check-up every year (the national average is 52%).

5. Austin, Texas

5. Austin, Texas

Austin residents work out regularly, get seven to eight hours of sleep each night, and more than half say they drink six to eight glasses of water daily. Austin also spends more of its time cultivating intellectual wellness than the average American city, with 57% of residents saying they "regularly engage in creative and mentally stimulating activities," according to the report.


4. Denver, Colorado

4. Denver, Colorado

More than 80% of Denver residents say they work out at least once per week, and 40% say they're satisfied or very satisfied with their fitness level (the national average is 31%). And 47% of Denver inhabitants say they're satisfied with their overall health.

3. San Francisco, California

3. San Francisco, California

The third-healthiest city in the US is San Francisco, thanks to its residents' healthy diet and dedication to wellness businesses, which encompasses gyms and fitness studios, salons, spas, and integrative health businesses.

The city has a whopping 16.2 wellness businesses per square mile, as well as the highest percentage of any other top city of people who frequent these businesses. Many San Franciscans love dance fitness, with more than 27% of residents attending classes like Pound or Zumba.

San Franciscans eat more fruits and vegetables than any other top US city, plus, San Francisco has the lowest percentage of cigarette smokers out of the 50 biggest US cities, according to the report.


2. Atlanta, Georgia

2. Atlanta, Georgia

Gyms and other wellness businesses in Atlanta bring in more revenue per capita than any other top city, according to the report. Atlanta also scores particularly high on social wellness, with 75% of residents saying they have close relationships with friends and family (the national average is 69%).

1. Miami, Florida

1. Miami, Florida

The healthiest city in America is sunny Miami, where 80% of residents work out at least once a week, according to Mindbody's Wellness Index. And 52% of locals say they go to group fitness classes at least once a week — more than any other top city.

Miami is also the most well-rested city, with 62% of survey respondents saying they get a full night's sleep.

And like in San Francisco and Atlanta, fitness studios and other wellness businesses in Miami are thriving.
