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NBA veteran JJ Redick says Pelicans didn't honor their word and traded him to Dallas instead of closer to his family

Apr 1, 2021, 16:57 IST
JJ Redick.Rick Scuteri/AP Images
  • JJ Redick said the Pelicans didn't honor their word to trade him closer to his family in Brooklyn.
  • Redick said he was "floored" to be traded to the Dallas Mavericks.
  • Redick said he didn't think players and agents would get "honesty" from the Pelicans' front office.

NBA guard JJ Redick said on his podcast, "The Old Man and the Three," that the New Orleans Pelicans didn't honor their "word" when handling his trade request.

The Pelicans traded Redick to the Dallas Mavericks at the NBA trade deadline. He said he had requested a trade from the Pelicans in November to be closer to his family in Brooklyn, New York.

Redick said that his son was starting school in Brooklyn and that if his family came to visit him in New Orleans, his son would be forced to miss a week of school to quarantine upon returning. Redick said the COVID-19 protocols from both the NBA and his son's school made it almost impossible for him to get the time to see his family.

"I had multiple, very transparent conversations with [General Manager] Trajan Langdon and [Executive Vice President of Basketball Operations] David Griffin," Redick said, adding that he routinely spoke with Griffin himself, rather than going through his agent.

Redick added that the Pelicans' decision to trade guard Jrue Holiday to the Milwaukee Bucks also influenced his request, as he signed with the Pelicans last season because of Holiday.


Pelicans Executive Vice President David Griffin.Gerald Herbert/AP Images
"Griff basically says to me, 'Come down for a month - if you still want to be traded, I give you my word I'll get you to a situation that you like,'" Redick said.

Redick said when he was never traded, he believed he was going to receive a buyout and then sign with a team closer to his family.

"Obviously, he did not honor his word," Redick said, referring to Griffin. "Again, that is not a slight on Dallas at all. My understanding, basically from February on - once I was not traded at the aggregate deadline on February 2 - my understanding all along was that I was going to get a buyout. And if I was going be traded, it was going to be to a team in the Northeast, where I was closer to home, and I'd be able to see my family for the last two or three months of the season.

"Obviously, that didn't happen. Geographically speaking, of course, Dallas is further away from New York than New Orleans."

Tommy Alter, the podcast's cohost, asked Redick why, in light of his experience, any player would now trust the Pelicans.

"It's a good question," Redick said. "I don't think you're going to get honesty from that front office. Objectively speaking - that's not an opinion. I just don't think you're going to get that. I don't think what happened with me is necessarily an isolated incident either."


He added: "In terms of this front office, it's not something where I would expect certainly the agents that worked on this with me to ever trust that front office again."

Griffin and the Pelicans did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Insider.

Redick said that when he received word on March 25 that he had been traded to Dallas, he was "floored."

Redick routinely said that he did not intend to insult the Mavericks, which he called "one of the premier organizations."

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