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Startup Investor Kevin Rose Explains How It Felt To Chuck A Misbehaving Raccoon Down A Flight Of Stairs

Oct 31, 2013, 01:07 IST

YouTube ScreengrabKevin Rose throwing the raccoon after it attacked his dog.

Kevin Rose is the founder of Digg and an investor at Google Ventures. But he has a small worry that the thing he will become best-known for isn't startup related at all.


A few months ago, Rose found a raccoon attacking his dog Toaster in the middle of the night. Without thinking, Rose sprinted to help his dog, picked up the raccoon by its two hind legs and chucked it down a stairwell.

It was an act of bravery, not animal cruelty. Rose posted the video to YouTube. Today, the clip has 7.5 million views.

Naturally, it was TechCrunch Co-Editor Alexia Tsotsis' first question to Rose today on stage at Dublin's Web Summit:

"What did it feel like to throw that raccoon?" she asked.


"In retrospect, it was a dumb idea," Rose replied. Unfortunately he didn't monetize his viral video. He had YouTube ads turned off when he posted the clip.

"I came down with a little sickness after," Rose said, noting he was lucky he didn't get rabies. His dog, Toaster, also recovered from the raccoon attack. "We are now raccoon free."

If you missed the raccoon incident, you can watch it below.

Disclosure: Enterprise Ireland kindly sponsored Business Insider's trip to cover WebSummit and F.ounders.

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