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Steve Carell and Kristen Wiig gave us an incredible Golden Globes moment

Jan 9, 2017, 08:52 IST


What we learned above all else at the Golden Globes Sunday night is that pairing Kristen Wiig and Steve Carell to present at an award show is comic gold.

The two presented best animated motion picture and a harmless question by Wiig to Carell about what his first animated movie he ever saw was led to one of the most memorable moments of the night.

Carell answered by saying it was "Fantasia" when he was 6 years old. Having seen it with his dad, Carell went on to say that when they came out of the movie his mom was in the lobby waiting for them and that's the moment when she told his dad that she wanted a divorce. 

Wiig, never to be outdone, said that her first time seeing an animated movie was "Bambi," but that it was the same day that she and her family had to put her three dogs down. It was also the last day she saw her grandpa.

The bit is hilarious thanks to their dead-serious deliveries. We could have watched them riff on stage the whole night.


Watch the entire bit below:


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