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Ted Cruz accepts Donald Trump's invitation to speak at GOP convention, but does not endorse

Jul 8, 2016, 01:03 IST

Sen. Ted Cruz told Donald Trump at a closed-door meeting in Washington, DC, on Thursday that he would be "happy" to speak at this month's Republican National Convention.


"We had a positive and productive meeting this morning with Donald Trump. Donald asked me to speak at the Republican convention and I told him I'd be happy to do so," Cruz told reporters.

Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said in a statement that there was "no discussion of any endorsement" at the meeting.

Frazier added that Trump asked the Texas senator for "his counsel on future judicial nominations."


"Cruz responded he would continue to do everything he can to help ensure principled constitutionalists on the courts," Frazier said.

Trump defeated Cruz for the Republican nomination in a heated primary in which Trump, at times, personally attacked the senator and his family.

The Manhattan businessman repeatedly characterized Cruz as "Lyin' Ted" on the campaign trail, posted an unflattering image of Cruz's wife on Twitter, and floated the idea that his father was somehow involved in the plot to kill John F. Kennedy.

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