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The 10 best Leonardo DiCaprio movies, ranked

Feb 26, 2016, 19:10 IST

Warner Bros.

There are some Oscar categories each year that are decided long before the show starts, and this Sunday, that one you can bet the house on is Leonardo DiCaprio winning best actor for his all-in-including-eating-a-bison-liver performance in "The Revenant."


This will mark the first time the actor has won the prize, and all we have to say to the Academy is: "Took you long enough!"

DiCaprio has been one of the biggest stars in Hollywood for decades, and though recently he's focused on titles that will get him closer to that Oscar, his career has been filled with exceptionally strong performances (even if the movies haven't always been that good).

To celebrate his career, we have come up with his 10 best performances, and ranked them for good measure.

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